BScan456 is a unique mobile Barcode scanning data collection software system that is 'user programmable' to build the mobile data collection applications you need. BScan456 provides an operational framework, requiring only your specific transaction Details to be soft-coded. Multiple 'Applications' can be built on your PDA or PC, ready for immediate use on either! Processing functions and skill required are similar to popular spreadsheets and the compiler is internal and automatic.
The core technology of BScan456 has been proven 24/7 for 10 years in the perishable food industry around the world and is now available for Windows Mobile and CE.
BScan456 makes it easy to Extract information data elements from all your suppliers’ different formats of scanned barcodes, including GS1-128, complete with validation, arithmetic processing, data lookups and manual data entry - with consistent ergonomics designed for high scan rates. Your BScan456 applications give flexible solutions to your data collection problems.
* Barcode and auto-id data collection simplified;
* High speed and high Capacity processing with minimum operator interaction;
* Handles multiple simultaneous barcode formats including stacked and grouped barcodes;
* Parse Global Standard GS1-128 and proprietary formats;
* Serial/Bluetooth connection of other Auto-Id devices;
* Input pre-scanned barcode data from Batch USB readers;
* Duplicate detection with optional processing;
* Multiple control totals;
* Transaction summary display during data collection;
* Scan to picklist with validation;
* Application specification reports;
* Transaction listings with user control and filters;
* Multi-user transaction server for online receipt of transactions from PDA;
* Communication to host via FTP and/or HTTP.